What August has in store for your star sign (2024)

Want to know what's in store for your star sign for August 2024? It's all in the cards...

August feels like a New Year’s Eve vibe at first, which then turns into January New Year's resolution season when Leo moves into Virgo. A Mercury Retrograde (from the 6th August) might make us pause when making major travel, tech, communication or commerce actions, but don’t let anything put you off your stride (just be sure to have a plan B).

Leo season prevails as we march into high summer, and a New Moon in Leo on the 4th helps us feel creative and in tune with our inner child, kind of like it's the school holidays and we're having a great deal of fun. Be imaginative, live a little whimsically, prioritise fun and play.

A Full Moon in Aquarius (19th) changes the mood a little, helping us notice what’s important to us and our circle, and what we might need to stand for. Be advised to prioritise in order to keep the peace and unity flowing. On the 22nd, Virgo season starts which is a phase of self improvement, good health, detoxing, getting back to basics, enjoying a life of fulfilment and wellbeing. Maybe, once upon a time, that sounded dull but, these days, it sure sounds good! Enjoy the summer in August and start to turn an eye towards autumn. Not long now until spooky season…


Five of Swords, Death, The Emperor

What August has in store for your star sign (1)

A powerful month ahead in which you take control of a simmering tension or conflict. Drag it all out into the light, let it burn up and die out, and then heal. You are sick to death of the in-fighting, sniping and walking on eggshells. It’s not in your nature to puss*foot around things. The Five of Swords sees you calling out this atmosphere and dynamic. The Emperor sees you leading the way and urging the participants to express themselves fully, get things off their chest, and be honest. This could be linked to family, work, or friendship circles. It has dragged on for a few months.

Death is the killer card, so to speak. This will all flare up, burn brightly, and then turn to ash. All the negativity will fade, to be replaced by calm, understanding, and a desire (from all) to move on. Change will unfold because the things that created this will have to be tackled. Positivity will flow again. And it’s kinda down to you, Aries. Well done.


The Moon, Six of Wands, Five of Wands

What August has in store for your star sign (2)

You’re in one of your deep analysis phases, trying to turn a negative into a positive, or at least a lesson that you can use in the future. You like these kind of mental gymnastics, and you’re very good at it (I go to Taureans for all my life advice).

The Five of Wands sees you feeling unsettled or rattled by something. It’s a negative. It bothers you. The Moon shows there is something about this that you feel fiercely you need to get to the bottom of. All is not as it seems. You don’t have the full picture… and you want it! Fathom, puzzle, question, challenge, discern, validate and probe.

The Six of Wands sees you emerging from these deep tunnels bearing a new treasure! What you uncover and realise here will be incredibly valuable personally; something you can actually use. It will change your fortunes too, igniting a winning streak of at least 6 weeks.
So, notice where you’re feeling irritated or disturbed, lean in and find out why, and use whatever you find. This process is going to be interesting and rewarding, with a glittering prize at the end of it!


Eight of Coins, Eight of Cups, Six of Swords

What August has in store for your star sign (3)

Geminis do everything - everyone knows this. The Eight of Coins sees you beavering away, as usual, on about a million different projects, roles, and ideas. Being busy is just a default in your realm, and it usually works for you. However, something is NOT working in the mix right now. This August, weed out the imposter, the dud, the non-starter, and ditch it.

The Eight of Cups shows you probably already know what it is, and have been in a pleasant phase of denial about it. But you’re just wasting precious time and brainpower. Stop making excuses and acknowledge the truth of this. The Six of Swords sees you easily, happily, in a very Gemini manner, moving on like nothing happened. You are very good at ghosting… And this ‘thing’ is going to experience that! Let go of what is not working in your realm.


Four of Cups, Temperance, The Hanged Man

Your sign is passive. You are incredibly patient, watchful, observant, and guarded, sitting in your crab shell, safe and protected, letting people show you what they’re all about. This card trio feels very much like that side of your personality, so you will be firmly in that mode this August. Watching, waiting and anticipating.

The Four of Cups shows a ‘meh’ mood has crept in. You feel a bit lacklustre and bored. The Hanged Man reveals the summer malaise of not really wanting to put much effort into anything, and just kinda’ swinging a while, letting things be, sitting back and watching life unfold around you. It’s amazing how much happens without you actually doing anything!

Temperance shows this ‘time out’ is because you’re deeply processing stuff. You are, unconsciously, working out how you feel about life, what’s next, and where you energy deserves to be invested. By month end, a truly bright idea will emerge and you will immediately FEEL what’s the right thing to start.


Three of Coins, The Tower, Six of Cups

What August has in store for your star sign (5)

A skirmish with someone you thought things might go well with in the future (spoiler… scratch that idea) makes you rethink someone from your past and, in a weird roundabout way, brings about a reunion that is actually the right thing, even though you don’t know that right now. Well, drama is your middle name, Leo, so I’d expect nothing less.

The Three of Coins sees you striking up a new connection (might be romantic, friendship, or work), but The Tower sees it going awry. Maybe you find out things were not what they seemed, or this person has lied. Something happens which causes the scales to fall from your eyes.

The Six of Cups swiftly jumps in to make you rethink and rekindle a connection from your past. Could be an ex (uh oh), could be an old friend, could be a past colleague or even role. You see it differently, given the burn you’ve just experienced, and you value it differently too. Let this movie play out, I’m intrigued!


Five of Cups, Knight of Swords, Ace of Wands

What August has in store for your star sign (6)

Push aside any regrets or sadness you momentarily experience this August about an old relationship, and instead look ahead, have faith in your future, and pro-actively seek new bonds and relationships. Many people want to get to know you!

The Five of Cups sees you briefly dwelling on something you lost or which didn’t work out. The Knight of Swords is a bit of a ruthless nudge to move past it. What’s done is done. You can’t force affections or wind back events… turn your gaze to the future. Force yourself through distraction and entertainment, and you will soon forget this feeling.

The Ace of Wands is the priority - new news. New friendships, hobbies, clubs, circles, gatherings, trips, outings, events, classes, ideas, and projects. See this as something like a school holiday month - doing lots of fun stuff. You’re going to meet so many people and start so many fulfilling things. Enjoy yourself!


Seven of Swords, Three of Swords, Five of Coins

What August has in store for your star sign (7)

Think of August as a purging month; time to get rid of a few connections. You love to be loved and liked, you are a charmer who attracts many followers and admirers… But your light can also draw shadow and shade. The Seven and Three of Swords are blunt cards about people being icky, back-stabbing, unkind or unfair. Not everyone is as trusting, wholesome, and eager to please as you are. You know the circles you’ve drifted into that don’t feel right, or the roles and situations you’ve ended up participating in that make you uneasy. Maybe you can’t put your finger on why, but you feel it.

The Five of Coins sees you withdrawing and untangling yourself. Initially, you may resist it as you like to be popular and busy, but these connections are not worth it. Let them go - better options are coming very soon!


King of Swords, Justice, Ten of Coins

What August has in store for your star sign (8)

The actions and decisions you take this August will have ripples and echoes for years to come, so be sure to act in a way that benefits you long term, and that reflects the side of you that you want engraved in stone. TBH, that’s good advice for EVERY decision you take.
The King of Swords wants you to think ahead and consider the future when you’re doing stuff in the present. Use that as your lens when reviewing information and options. Justice brings an ethical element to the table as well - doing the right thing, maybe the harder thing, but the thing that will help you feel easy and at peace in your conscience and sub conscious.

Shortcuts with risks or negative impacts on others may get us someplace faster, but they carry a toll, too. They are often not worth that price. The Ten of Coins sees you heading in the right direction towards a secure home, lasting love, wealth, prosperity, and success. You’re strong and destined for a good life. Plant the right seeds this August.


Ten of Wands, Eight of Wands, Four of Wands

What August has in store for your star sign (9)

A trio of Wands cards. Wands is the suit linked to your astrological element - Fire. So, this August will be fulfilling, energising, active, purposeful and even exciting! You will feel at home in this month. There is a balance to be struck, of course, and don’t let FOMO make you bite off more than you can chew or take on challenges which are too much, too soon.

The Ten of Wands is a burnout warning, and always urges you to seek deep rest and regular pitstops. The Eight of Wands shows you will be in demand, with lots of invites and openings, options and opportunities. You are an abundant person by nature, being ruled by Jupiter, so you can do more than most, but please be aware of your limits and stay within them.

How to do so? Discernment. The Four of Wands asks you to prioritise things which will uplift you and bring about progress, promotion or advancement. Don’t spin around the same old whirlpools, or cover the same territory as usual. Strike out, seek new horizons, experiment, and take an untrodden pathway. You are heading to a new level and space. Prioritise this journey.


Nine of Wands, Ace of Swords, Queen of Coins

What August has in store for your star sign (10)

You are going to face into, share, and tackle a home truth about your health, wealth, work or home, and it’s going to be so rewarding, cathartic, and liberating that you will wonder why you have side-stepped, or even ignored, this for so long.

We can all bury our head in the sand about stuff we’d rather not deal with. The Ace of Swords sees you finally facing something you’ve tried to suppress, maybe hoping it would just resolve itself. A tough conversation is needed, so you can air your truth, listen to the other side, and come to a new level of understanding.

The Queen of Coins shows this revolves around either health, wealth, work, or home. Also, the crux of it is about you taking responsibility for something, and stepping up. I promise it will be the making of you. The Nine of Wands is a reassurance that you can handle this, win at this, and benefit hugely from this. The time is right to do it. Step into your power.


The World, Knight of Wands, Queen of Swords

What August has in store for your star sign (11)

The thirst for travel and adventure courses through your veins like lifeblood. All Aquarians are innate explorers, love venturing out, seeing a new landscape, striking ahead towards a new horizon. The World and Knight of Wands combine forces this August to see you doing just that, even if it’s only planning and researching something. Be bold, be fearless, be authentic to your dreams. You only get one life, so don’t store up regret or ‘should haves’.

The Queen of Swords suggests this is all going to come down to your real appetite for it, because it’s going to be a largely solo mission. You are the initiator, the organiser, the motivator, and the doer. This is on you. Are you up for it, still? I promise it will be worth it and will expand your personal development, perspective, and ambition too. Think of it as a mini challenge with a wonderful prize. Create your own adventure this August, Aquarius.


Seven of Coins, Two of Cups, The Sun

What August has in store for your star sign (12)

Whatever anyone else says, put the relationships you value most in your life first, Pisces. You are a people person through and through, and this is what makes you thrive, tick, and feel good. The Seven of Coins sees you shifting and pivoting. You’re noticing who is supportive, comforting, interested, and uplifting. Basically, you’re weeding out some of the the unreliable or draining folk you’ve picked up along the way (people are drawn to your kindness.)

The Two of Cups and The Sun sees you turning towards the ones who make you feel warm, loved, happy, and cared about… and this simple shift makes all the difference. You are so loved. A new romance or a blossoming one could be on the cards, maybe with a Leo or a fellow Water sign. If you’re travelling then look out for a blazing holiday romance that maybe has longevity too. You are literally living a summer of love!

For your own unique and personal tarot forecast, including your own life story reading, visit Kerry's TarotBella page

Powerful Tarot Reading by Kerry Ward

What August has in store for your star sign (13)

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What August has in store for your star sign (14)

What August has in store for your star sign (2024)


What is your star sign for August? ›

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Leo (July 23 – August 22) Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

What zodiac sign goes with August? ›

Leo: July 23 – August 22. Virgo: August 23 – September 22. Libra: September 23 – October 23. Scorpio: October 24 – November 21.

What is the zodiac sign for August 4? ›

Leo (July 23-August 23)

What is the zodiac sign for August 19th? ›

Leo (July 22 to August 23)

Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac (July 22 to August 23), and it's represented by the lion. A fixed fire sign ruled by the sun, Leo (called Simha in Vedic astrology) has energy that is glamorous, courageous, and bold.

What is Leos personality? ›

Typical sun in Leo traits include being confident, comfortable being the center of attention, drama-adoring, ambitious, loyal, fiercely protective of their nearest and dearest, generous, luxury-loving, sunny, and big-hearted.

Who should Leo marry? ›

Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, and a cardinal fire sign trines with Leo, which means it's four signs apart and can make for one of the most organic, passionate, well-matched pairings in the zodiac. Both fire signs are adventurers who are driven to make big moves to ensure their ambitious visions become a reality.

Which zodiac sign are soulmates? ›

Zodiac Signs, Their Soulmates, Birthstones, Zodiac Signs Dates
Zodiac SignSoulmatesBirthstone
AriesLeo, SagittariusDiamond
TaurusVirgo, CapricornEmerald
GeminiLibra, AquariusPearl
CancerScorpio, PiscesRuby
9 more rows
Jul 16, 2024

Is August a lucky birthday? ›

A European study found those born in the summer months, and August especially, were significantly more likely to consider themselves lucky in life. Another survey links the feeling of luck with less anxiety and neuroticism, and a greater level of outgoing behavior.

What is the perfect match for a Leo? ›

Leos are most compatible with other Leos, Aquarians, and Scorpios. Taurus can also be a good match for a passionate fling, but maybe not for a serious relationship.

What is a Leo favorite color? ›

The best color for Leo is orange, which boosts Leo's confidence, energy, optimism, and ambition. Leo's lucky colors also include gold, yellow, red, and purple. These colors represent inner strength, positivity, creativity, passion, and wisdom.

Is August a Virgo? ›

In astrology, Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac, considered as governing the period from about August 23 to about September 22. It is represented as a young maiden carrying a sheaf of wheat.

Is A Leo loyal? ›

The sun never goes retrograde, and likewise, Leos are renowned for their stability, loyalty, and consistency. They are dedicated friends and lovers who put their hearts into every relationship. (Fittingly, the Leo sign governs the heart.) Lions love to watch their mates succeed—until they feel threatened.

What sign is August 20th? ›

The traditional Western zodiac associates Leo with the period between about July 23 and August 22, and the sign spans the 120th to 150th degree of celestial longitude. Leo is associated with fire, accompanied by Aries and Sagittarius, and its modality is fixed.

What is the zodiac sign for August 10? ›

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

What sign is August 18th? ›

Leo Personality: July 23 - August 22. Leo is the fifth sign of the astrological year and is known by its astrological symbol, the Lion. Leo individuals are dynamic, self-confident, and highly dramatic.

What is August personality? ›

If you were born in August, then your birth month personality reveals that you are highly confident, determined, hard-working, and strong. You make excellent CEOs or bosses. You do not enjoy taking orders from others but rather leading the way. You can give an impression that you have it all under control.

Who is Leo compatible with? ›

Leos are best matched with their fire counterparts: Aries and Sagittarius, Stardust says. They also pair well with air signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. While those are Leo's ideal matches, Stardust says fixed signs have a way of finding each other.

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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.