For Always - Chapter 11 - lady_black23 - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter Text

In the next weeks, publications were printing a wide variety of articles about the Lord and Lady Black. It took a long family discussion to come to an agreement about publishing the story of Draco’s vigilante days, something he absolutely did not want to be made public.

Turns out, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Minister for Magic and Harry Potter, Savior of Wizardom have actually been wanting to come clean to the press about it. It was Draco who wanted to keep it secret, mainly because he wanted to earn his place back in society through less gruesome ways. Everyone understood it, but without the story, they really couldn’t explain how Draco was able to father Lira when he was supposedly on house arrest, nor could they explain how Hermione Granger, now Nott-Malfoy could have met Draco when she was out of the country. Telling the media the truth would have been an option, if not for Hermione not wanting anyone to find out what Ron had actually done. All the Malfoys agreed he deserved to be shunned for his actions, but Hermione was steadfast in her stance. It wouldn’t just affect Ron, it would affect the Weasleys and specially Harry, it would drag out where exactly Ron is right now and open a huge can of worms none of them really want to deal with.

In true Draco Malfoy fashion, he dramatically agreed to sacrifice himself to the media frenzy instead of letting his wife be the target of malicious gossip once more. Faced with him or Hermione, he would always sacrifice himself. Media, discomfort, hurt, even death. He would brave it all for his love.

The headlines were explosive to say the least.

Vigilante Justice and Romance
The True Story of How Draco Malfoy, Lord Black Found Redemption and Love While Hunting Out Former Death Eaters

The Missing Nott Heiress Turns Former Bully into Her Paramour

Enemies to Lovers: Slytherin Prince woos Gryffindor Princess

How Draco Malfoy Won His Wife

Richest Baby in the World: Lira Minerva Malfoy, - Black, Nott and Malfoy Heiress

How the Boy-Who-Lived-Twice Saved the Boy-Who-Had-No-Choice

Draco’s favorite was the last one. Sure, let’s make it all about Potter again, why not? Though he does agree that if Potter had not come to him with the idea of hunting down rogue Death Eaters, he would probably have a much harder time out in the Wizarding society.

He couldn’t find it in him to bring out the childhood hostility anymore, not after hearing how Potter had been there for Hermione throughout disaster and crises in Australia. Potter - Harry - also admitted to him that it was his idea to ferret out (yes, the pun was intended, ha bloody ha) Death Eaters using him, as a way to ensure that Hermione had one less thing to worry about. Draco did not like hearing how many nightmares Hermione had endured after the war. Potter truly did have a heart of gold, seeing how the media had treated the Malfoys even after evidence of their side during the war. He concocted the whole vigilante stunt as a way to kill two birds with one stone. He always meant for the press to learn about Draco’s deeds. That he and the Chosen One now share firewhiskey evenings with Theo and sometimes Blaise and Longbottom once in a while seem like a small price to pay.

Draco also found out that the “Auror Emergency” that Potter left Hermione for after Lira was born was actually about him, when he got hurt bringing down Greyback. Potter was worried that he had been bitten or scratched, but it was actually an almost fall from the cliff that he sent Greyback off from that sent him to St. Mungos. He had shattered both his kneecaps at the time trying to find purchase in the rocks to stop himself from following the werewolf to a gristly death.

Not that Hermione (or his mother) needed to know all the details of his adventures trying to bring in (but ultimately just killing) the bastards. Draco suposses he also has to thank Potter for keeping his not insignificant number of near death trips to St. Mungos from his mother (and Hermione).

He was thinking of what gifts to give Potter as he and Hermione fell asleep that night. It was a cool early December night and he was excited for Lira’s first Christmas with them as a family. He knew his parents were going to go overboard with the gifts and he refuses to be outdone.

He did not realized he had fallen asleep, but he loved his dreams. They were always about Hermione. This particular dream was amazing. She was grazing his bare stomach with her delightfully red nails, trailing barely there touches around and around his abs until they found the tops of his pajama’s band.

Her wickedly sinful hand caressing the skin just above the cloth, suddenly joined by her delicious lips, peppering him in soft kisses. He loved those lips. He could kiss those lips for hours. The sounds that escape those lips? He could die in them. There was nothing more heavenly.

This dream was so lifelike that he actually shivered when the cool air touched his rigid member. His witch must have vanished his clothes. Gods, it did things to him, knowing how powerful his wife was, how she can cast silent, wandless Magic just like that.

He suddenly snapped his eyes open when he felt warm lips close around the tip of his phallus. This wasn’t a dream was it? He half sat up, and saw the riotous brown curls of his wife in between his spread legs. “I thought I was dreaming.” He said in a gravely voice, trying to fight off sleep. Why sleep when reality was a thousand times better?

His beautiful wife looked up at him, one hand not quite fully encircling the bottom of his shaft, another curled around his thigh. “Hmmm? Go back to sleep, I’m having fun here with my favorite Malfoy.” She said with a wink.

Draco groaned and let his head fall back on the pillows. “I’m sure you’re his favorite Malfoy, too, Lady Black.”

Hermione had started licking him up and down, gently squeezing every time she reached the tip. It was driving him crazy, the things his witch could do. “Oh… oh… f*ck… Wife, you’re gonna make me cum!”

He could feel her smile as she started sucking at his tip, only stopping to say, “That’s the idea, Lord Black.” And then she slowly shoved his hard length as far as it would go into her mouth. Draco was seeing stars as his wife continued to bob up and down on him, her gagging and slurping sounds filling the room and sending him speedily towards an org*sm.

He reached his hands to grip her curls in his fist, not quite hurting, but a gentle pressure to urge her on. Hermione did not falter, she upped the pace, making him buck from the bed as she added pressure to the twisting motion her hand was making in time with her slurps.

He knew the sounds coming from him was near primal, her name on his lips, calling out to every god and deity, but it was his “f*ck… good girl… so very talented… that mouth.” That had her digging the nails of her other hand into his thigh as she applied more suction on him and squeezed his base. That was it, his vision exploded into white as he came all over the back of his wife’s throat. He tried to see, he wanted to see, but he barely made out her heart shaped face as she swallowed every drop of his spend.


He could only gasp as his wife climbed up on him, a Cheshire grin on her face.

“You’re welcome.” Cheeky witch.

“What did I ever do to deserve that?” He said before capturing her lips, not caring that he could slightly taste himself, he wanted to devour her, to show her just how much he appreciated and loved her.

She gasped a bit at his ardor, leaning back. “I just wanted to appreciate what a fine specimen my Batman husband is.” She sighed and kissed him again.

Not a while later and he had her on her back, kissing his way down her collarbones, down to her gorgeous breasts, licking and tasting the dusty peaks. If it there was a fine specimen in this room, it was her, and Draco intended to demonstrate just how much he adored his witch.


Hermione was feeling good. She was so happy she could burst. She had booked a private healer’s appointment - Malfoy galleons truly did wonders - and the healer confirmed her pregnancy. She was going around Diagon Alley, ostensibly to buy Christmas gifts (Ha! She was Hermione Granger, her gifts were already bought, wrapped and hidden!), but really she was looking for the perfect way to tell Draco that he was going to be a father again.

It was a cool day and she was bundled up in a warm blue knitted dress that fell to her knees, her thigh boots and thick stockings covering the rest of her legs. She had an opened sable coat that Narcissa had gifted her just last week and she was feeling fabulous. The Christmas decors around the Alley only added to her buoyant mood.

She looked down on her hands, she should have brought gloves too, but the beautiful engagement ring winked at her and she sighed, she didn’t know it was even possible to be this happy. Standing in front of a new chic arts and crafts store, with it’s origami decorations in beautiful silver and green, trying to decide if she wanted to be crafty with her presentation to Draco when she heard a screech coming from behind her.

Turning around, she spotted a harried looking Molly Weasley being pulled by Ginny. “You! You bitch! You ruined my family!”

Ginny was unsuccessfully trying to pull her mother away, but it was too late, people, holiday shoppers have stopped and were staring.

Panicked, Hermione took out her wand and hurriedly sent out a Patronus to Harry. It was probably a bad move as people gaped and pointed at her large dragon Patronus as it bounded off. Molly Weasley narrowed her eyes at her even further.

“You just have it all, don’t you?!” She screamed at Hermione, her wand in her hand as she gestured towards her. “You have the money, the big fancy house, the handsome even richer husband, you even have my granddaughter!”

Hermione could hear gasps around her but her focus was on the witch. She didn’t want to aggravate her further so she kept quiet, even as Ginny kept urging her mother to stop. “Mum, please, this is embarrassing! Lira is Draco’s daughter, not Ron’s!”

She silently thanked Ginny for clarifying that.

“Embarrassing?!? What have we got to be embarrassed about? If anyone should feel shame, it should be that hussy over there who left my son for a rich man! My Ron is broken because of that bitch!”

Molly advanced further and pointed her wand at her, “You don’t deserve anything!” She yelled as a hex flew out of her wand.

On instinct, Hermione had a shield up, almost a second too late. She was shaking, thinking of protecting her stomach, wanting Draco to be here. Molly cast another spell towards her and people started panicking and fleeing. Hermione just kept her shield up, even as she saw Ginny trying to disarm her mother, but was cast into a binding spell by Molly.

“Molly, please!” She finally shouted at the witch.

“Please? You dare?! You took everything from us! Harry broke up with Ginny because of you!” The rage in Molly’s face reminded her of Ron’s and she stood stock still, frozen in the memory of another Weasley attack, her shields almost failing as Molly cast one spell after another.

Her strength was failing her, why did she not practice more? She wasn’t this rusty!

There was a few pops of apparation somewhere, she could see Harry running towards her, a shock of pale blonde hair right behind her and she sagged in relief.

“Molly, drop your wand!” Harry shouted as Draco tried to inch towards her.

“You! The great Harry Potter! Leaving my daughter because of this trollop!” Molly rounded on Harry and Hermione screamed as the deranged witch sent a quick and silent cutting hex towards Harry. Harry had barely ducked and was nicked.

It was the sight of her best friend, bleeding near his temple, that had Hermione burning with fury. She had kept Harry Potter alive for years, who was does this witch think she was that she can hurt him? She felt Draco try to pull her back, but she pushed him non too gently away.

scutum nunc!” She shouted, summoning a big dome around her and the witch, preventing anyone from interfering. It was a spell she learned from the Castle Black library. Only her or her death could cancel it.She could hear Draco screaming for her, Harry too, but she didn’t care. This was between her and Molly Weasley. She was done having the Malfoys or Harry saving her.

“Drop the wand, Molly!” She yelled.

The witch laughed, “Or what? Little mudblood whor* gonna bring me down?”

“You may have taken out Bellatrix, but I endured her torture without breaking.” Hermione, poised and determined, started sending hex after hex towards the witch. She was done being weak. She was Hermione Granger, it was time she and everyone else remembered it.

The older witch was good, erecting shields and sending hexes her way, but Hermione was faster, younger and fighting not just for herself but for the life within her. She thought she got Molly with a freezing spell but it was a little weak and only froze part of Molly’s leg.

The witch couldn’t move but she still cast hex after spell towards her.

When Molly’s hex grazed her top hip, very closely to her barely there bump, Hermione had had enough, deciding that her non lethal spells were not gonna cut it, and changed tactics.

Molly was rage embodied, barely stopping to curse her, spell after spell. It was when Molly’s wand started to quiver that she let her shield drop, angling herself just a breath away from the witch’s Bombarda, Hermione stepped to the side and yelled “Sectumsempra!”.

It was only when she saw the witch fall that she finite’d the dome around them. She saw Harry bend over Molly, but her vision was fading, her breathing shallow, she glanced to see Draco reaching for her before she succumbed to the darkness.


One thing Draco Malfoy had not realized until now was that he had never known true fear. There was a wide, cold chasm in his heart as he caught his wife in his arms, Hermione was barely breathing.

He apparated them directly into the Malfoy ward in St. Mungos, screaming for help. He gripped his wife’s limp form to him, even as healers crowded him to give her up.

It wasn’t until a healer he knew, their personal healer, Andrews, shook him and told him something that shot ice cold panic through his spine that his hands had gone slack enough for the medi witches to levitate Hermione into the waiting bed.

“Mr. Malfoy, you need to let go of Mrs. Malfoy so we could check her and the babies.”

It was only then that Draco Malfoy had known true fear.

For Always - Chapter 11 - lady_black23 - Harry Potter (2024)
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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

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Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.